Posted on Monday, March 11th, 2024

In 2024, Eagle Homes was honored to offer a donation to the Kamloops Food Bank Society

Their mulitple programs help to minimize waste, ensure children are fed over the weekends, provide infant essentials, spread awareness, and bring people together to work toward a secure and sustainable future for all.

In our halls it's often heard
"How did we land in this special place
Together... every size, age and race?"

Focused on goodness and hope
Wanting to help our neighbors cope..
With hunger and sadness and no money to spare...
These clients of our through no one would care.

Instead they found a motley crew
Bonded to each other for somehow we knew
Our pupose aligned no matter our kind
With passion and grace, we've reach out our hand,
To create a community that can truly understand

With hope as our guide,
We'll continue our quest,
Foucused on a country where we are ALL blessed.

In the depths of our hearts, we long for a day,
When poverty's grip will finally give way.
We dream of a world where no one's in need,
Where everyone's basic requirements are guaranteed.

I am honored to say
that I get to spend every day
With compassionate souls

Who I may never have met...

ANY other way.

Written by Bernadette Siracky, Executive Director at the Kamloops Food Bank - see here for the original post


To provide the best customer experience through innovation and consistent adaptation; to develop quality, environmentally-friendly homes while positively impacting our communities through supporting and giving back locally, one home at a time.


Salmon Arm, BC
1190 51 Street NE
Salmon Arm, BC

Kamloops, BC
7510 Dallas Drive
Kamloops, BC

Cranbrook, BC
2232 Cranbrook Street N.
Cranbrook, BC

Castlegar, BC
4430 Minto Road,
Castlegar, BC